The Digital Services Act

Law Office Vujacic was invited to participate in a training organized by our colleagues from CERHA HEMPEL on the topic of the DSA – Digital Services Act, during which its chapters and areas of implementation have been discussed and analyzed. The training was structured into five distinct chapters:

  • Legal basis,
  • Areas of implementation of the DSA,
  • Liability (and the most important exceptions),
  • Compliance obligations, and
  • Remedies and Sanctions (as provided in the Austrian ECG – E-Commerce Law and ABGB – the General Civil Law)

The DSA covers online intermediaries and platforms (marketplaces, social networks, etc.), and its main goal is to prevent the spread of disinformation as well as harmful and illegal online activities. It is a part of the broader EU policy to protect consumers and enforce their fundamental rights while simultaneously fostering innovation, growth, and competitiveness. It has been applicable to all platforms since February the 17th 2024.